Scrum jest dla chętnych 🙂
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) November 23, 2015
Autor: pima
Brainstorming vs tablestorming
Brainstorming vs tablestorming. The table does not have any answers. It does not have questions either :p
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) November 4, 2015
Multidextrous Methodologist
You are born as a human being. Next you become an insane specialist/expert. Then it takes the rest of your life to become sane human again.
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) November 4, 2015
#Kanban boards
I see many teams put TODO > IN_PROGRESS > DONE on their #Kanban boards. Why not to put CUSTOMER_NEED > VALIDATION > NEED_FULFILLED instead?
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) October 29, 2015
Practicing #mindfulness by a Scrum Master on a regular basis, makes one more: fosused, present, calm, open for people needs, MORE HUMANE 🙂
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) October 29, 2015
An evolution of estimate
I see evolution of estimate as
1, TFB, NFC @pawelbrodzinski#NoEstimates @duarte_vasco
make impacts not software @gojkoadzic— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) October 29, 2015
You lead to faster burnout and despair
By forcing people in a company to change at a faster and faster pace, without giving a broader sense, you lead to faster burnout and despair
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) October 14, 2015
Scrum does not solve the problems
Scrum does not solve the problems; it makes them painfully visible, and provides a framework for people to explore ways to resolve them.
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) October 13, 2015
SCRUM contains an element of autodestruction
SCRUM contains an element of autodestruction. It's called retrospective and for me is the only element that cannot be removed from SCRUM 🙂
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) September 30, 2015
Krew mnie zalewa
Krew mnie zalewa jak po raz setny słyszę: przykład idzie od góry. Jakby leadership był zarezerwowany dla hierarchii i spływał jedynie w dół.
— Piotr Maksimczyk (@AgilePiMa) September 23, 2015